Events & Workshops 2014

2014 promises to be another busy year of events and we would like to give you as much notice as possible to plan for attendance.

Our first workshop is in Sydney, Australia on the 25-27th of February, 2014. Attendance is high for that workshop as it is the first time we have held a JIG workshop there.

We are then planning to hold another workshop around the NISTM conference in Orlando 23/24 April, 2014. We attended the NISTM conference last year and held a 2 day workshop. Feedback was very good from the well attended sessions and we hope to have similar setup this time.

We will have another workshop in the 2nd half of the year, probably around September, 2014 in a European location.

In addition to the workshops we hope to launch our training course on ‘Training to inspect to JIG Standards’, in the first half of 2014. We are working on the details but it would be likely that the first course would be in the UK , but we hope to get subsequent courses near to the demand so if you are considering joining this training, subject to costs and availability, please let me know of your interest (

Finally, there will be , as always, a significant JIG presence at industry conferences and events either presenting on topics or facilitating discussions. Please let us know if there are any other ways that we can communicate JIG and industry issues to your organisations.