Last week the IATA fuel Forum went to Bangkok, and JIG were represented, both in presenting topics and attendance at the technical sessions, and in meeting a number of our members who were in attendance.
The sessions were packed with the current challenges in the industry and we’ve highlighted a number of the areas discussed below
The impact of the Surabaya incident on oversight, safety and fuel quality control
The Surabaya incident triggered significant attention and action by the aviation industry on jet fuel safety and quality issues worldwide. During this key session, the Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department shared lessons learned from the Surabaya investigation and suggested improvements to safety oversight and quality control practices for jet fuel
Implementing global standards for supply chain risk management and quality assurance
This session examined the progress made on this industry priority, including states’ response to the ICAO initiative on global standards and joint airline–oil industry action to expedite their implementation. The panel discussed the potential to enhance industry fuel quality audit activities and the opportunities for introducing more efficient and consistent processes enabling airlines to better manage fuel quality risks. The role of the 24/7 fuel alert database being developed by IATA was also considered
Panel session on hydrant systems and quality control
A panel of hydrant system experts led the audience through all aspects of hydrant systems. The panel discussed construction, testing, commissioning, pigging, side-equipment, cathodic protection, etc. The sessions commenced with airline reports on actual problems with hydrant systems and components from around the globe.
In addition to these there were many reports on industry bodies and on current topics affecting Aviation fuels. Updates were given by Andy Chubb, (Air BP and JIG Chairman), Tony Conway (JIG General Manager) ,and JIG council members, John Buxton, and Ed Selley.
Please contact us via the website if you want further feedback on any of the issues raised.