JIG Bulletins – More than 70 JIG Bulletins have been developed by the JIG Committees (Operations, Product Quality, HSSE and Common Processes) since 2004. During 2014 the bulletins were reviewed and some of the older ones have now been withdrawn because the content is no longer applicable or up to date.
All current JIG Bulletins are available from the JIG Website. Bulletins which have been withdrawn can only be provided on request by the JIG Technical Manager. Some bulletins which are no longer fully up to date contain useful reference material – these are still available but are identified on the website as being for reference purposes only.
JIG Bulletins accessed from the website are marked (in green) as “Public” or (in red) as “Members Only”. Public bulletins can be downloaded by anyone visiting the website. Members bulletins, which can only be downloaded after logging in to the Extranet (Members) area of the website, are intended to be freely available to all JIG Member Companies, JIG JVs and all purchasers of current JIG Standards.
Each time that a new bulletin is released, most recently JIG Bulletin 72 in November 2014, an E Mail alert message is distributed.
January 2015