Users should be aware that JIG will soon be introducing a number of security enhancements to the JIG website. These include:-
Password Rule Changes for Users
- The User will be forced to change their password on their first login
- New implementation of password rules: e.g. minimum number of characters/numbers
- The password will expire after 180 days (or be suspended after 180 days inactivity)
- A User will be locked out after 3 invalid attempts
- A User login will expire after 1 hour of inactivity
- The method for reactivating accounts either due to failed login lock or inactivity will involve the user contacting the JIG Administration Coordinator
On Site Manager Confirmation
After the JIG Administration Coordinator has made a requested change to an Operation’s details, the Site Manager will receive a prompt on their next login to confirm the changes have been made correctly
User Confirmation
There will be a prompt for Users to confirm their details are correct upon initial login and whenever details are changed
Company Users report
Within ‘My Profile’, Users can run a report to list all their Company’s Users. . A downloadable report of all your company’s users can be obtained from ‘My Profile’/ ‘My Company’ / ‘export’. Users should identify someone in their company who can check their Company’s Users and advise any additions/deletions to the JIG Administration Coordinator.