Last month saw the launch of JIG’s pilot training course “Training to Inspect to JIG Standards”. The course was held at London Gatwick using both classroom and airside locations to ensure attendees got both theoretical and practical experience from the 5 day training.
Fourteen individuals from different companies and with differing years of experience between them, spent all week working with trainers Anthony Kitson-Smith and Chris Jones, culminating in an exam at the end of the week which, as we had expected, was tough for all levels of experience. However, all attendees completed the course. Future courses will recognise completion, but passes will be given only when achieving the level set by JIG.
The attendees were asked for feedback to assist with future courses, which was positive and effective in terms of the content, delivery, location and relevance. Our thanks go out to all involved for their enthusiasm and participation which will help us greatly in the future.
As a result of this initial pilot, JIG will be launching the first of its official training courses in August, located in Athens, Greece. Details will be published in due course for individuals to register their interest. Attendance on the course will be available for JIG members only, and the attendees should be experienced in Aviation Fuelling Operations. Full details on the criteria for attendance, the process for registering interest and the costs will be outlined next week.
“First of all I think key for the training delivered by the trainers is the high knowledge about, and passion for, Aviation Operation which is recognized to be present for both by all participants and I can clearly see the major effort which has been put into the course. Well done to all who contributed!”
“Overall this is one of the best training courses I have attended. Everything was well planned and organized and I will thank everybody who has work with this project. I am sure that this learning will be very appreciated by the participants coming for training in the future.”
“Feedback to the JIG council from me will be that this course is very relevant and useful to all inspectors who are going to perform inspections according to JIG Standards.”
“Finally I like to say a job well done looking at all the necessary preparations and the delivery of the theory & practical sessions by both trainers and the support provided by ASIG.”