I am pleased to announce the results of the voting for further membership representation for the JIG Operations Committee and the Technical Forum Drafting Working Group. There was a good turnout of voting and the results were very close and highlighted a good spread of votes for all candidates. JIG would like to thank all those who put themselves forward for the positions. They represented a high quality of candidate, consistent with the JIG membership.
The selected candidates with the highest votes (and highest preference votes where applicable) were:
Operations Committee
- Anthony Kitson Smith
- Stephen Ball
- Dave Freeman
- Stephen Ball
The committee Chairs will be in touch with the new committee members to confirm future meeting dates and the progress of committee work to date, but we would like to emphasise that we hope that the whole membership use the new representatives to raise any issues and the new committee members use the opportunity to communicate with the membership on the issues that the committees face.
We hope that this process will enhance the openness and inclusivity of JIG and that will support our progress towards the vision of JIG.